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Exchange Format Product Data and consultation tool (CMT)

The ETIM data model is completely uniform, differing only in the language.


The exchange format for classified product data, not to be confused with the release format for the data model, however is set and defined by each local ETIM organization individually. ETIM International recommends the BMEcat® standard, which is the most common exchange format within the ETIM countries.


The BMEcat®-Standard was introduced in November 1999 in cooperation with the BME e.V. (German Federal Association for Materials-Management, Procurement and Logistics) as a standard for electronic data-transfer of multimedia product-catalogues. It is based on the internet-standard XML (Extensible Markup Language) as a universal platform and manufacturer-independent exchange-format. Catalogues created in this generally-accepted format prevent special individual solutions for different customers.


The BMEcat®-standard today counts as one of the most strongly accepted formats for e-business. Numerous well-known companies e.g. American Express, AUDI, Bayer, BMW, Deutsche Bahn, Philips, Siemens, VISA and many others take part in the BMEcat® initiative.


However, in some countries specific national formats are still in use and accepted as sector standard, sometimes in addition to BMEcat®. To get the information which data format is currently established in an ETIM country, please contact your local ETIM office.

Consultation tool


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