Metel in Etim International
After one year as guest in the General Assembly and the Technical Committee, METEL decided to officially join ETIM international as the representative for Italy, to implement the adoption of the ETIM standard in the Italian market of electrical and lighting sector.
After the recent membership of IDEA this is again a big step forward for ETIM international.
METEL – abbreviation of Electrical and Telematic Material – was founded in 1993 by the three association of the supply chain, worth almost 7 billion euros: ANIE 45% (manufacturers), FME 45% (wholesalers), and ARAME 10%(agents).
The common aim was offering the market a standardisation of creation and management procedures for documents linked to the order cycle. The company is related to the three industry’s associations, who are part of the governance bodies.
This is why Metel is the “Industry’s standard”.
The prestigious University of Politecnico of Milano has quantified the savings possible using Metel in 49 euros per each order’s cycle.
All of our technological services are in CLOUD. The applications and datas are stored in Europe and have an american back up (Virginia).
The CTO - Technical Organizing Committee is the technical working group that acknowledges and implements the guidelines of the Board of Directors.
