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ETIM classification integrated into GDSN – GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network

We are pleased to announce that ETIM has become part of the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) master data exchange standard since the 27th of May 2024.

Initiated by a Swiss GS1 expert group

In order to create a common basis for a future industry solution for the global exchange of sustainable product master data for the construction and real estate industry, the establishment of a GS1 expert group was formed with Swiss GS1 members such as CRB, BdCH/bSCH, buildup, ETIM Switzerland and several representatives of construction product manufacturers.

As part of this work, a work request had been issued to integrate ETIM into GS1 GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network). This solution went live on Monday, 27.05.2024. This means that the GDSN file now also accomodates for containing ETIM classification attributes (class, feature, unit, value), which further supports seamless integration into the digital value chain.

How it works

Within the GDSN standard there is a possibility to include data from additional classification systems. These additional classification systems are each identified by its own additional trade item classfication code list ID.

And with this ID, within the generic GDSN XML structures it is now possible to send across product and trade item data along with the assigned ETIM classes and the associated feature values and units.

More information and implementation support

If you would like to know more about the implementation of ETIM data into GDSN and GS1 standards in general, please contact your local GS1 office:

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