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ETIM International and BuildingSMART International announce the birth of their partnership


ETIM International (E.I.) and BuildingSMART International (B.S.I.) announce the birth of their partnership, signed by Franz Ernst, President of ETIM International, and Richard Petrie, CEO of BuildingSmart, at the annual general meeting, held last February in Frankfurt. In the agreement, which was drawn up as a Memorandum of Understanding between the parties, a joint promotion strategy of their respective activities is agreed, which will strengthen the interoperability of open standards, including the construction and infrastructure sector, and will broaden the dissemination of digital product information.

E.I. and B.S.I. will work on a joint project that complies with the B.I. data dictionary standard (bSDD) and at the same time the E.I. product classification standard, following the belief that the two standards complement each other perfectly.

A particular focus was placed on the new version of the ETIM MC modeling class, considered as an area of ​​common interest. All future releases of ETIM, subsequent to the ETIM 7 version scheduled for 2017, will therefore be aligned with the BuildingSmart processes.

The press release in its full version in English remains at your disposal.




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