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ETIM International is ready to grow


Having secured funding for maintenance and development of ETIM Modelling Classes, ETIM International is looking to expand its operational force. We would like to give more insight into the job offer and the ideal person we are looking for.

How did this job offer become available?

Recently we have secured long-term budget for the further maintenance and development of ETIM Modelling Classes (ETIM MC). This add-on standard to ETIM has grown quickly in terms of popularity and a growing number of platforms are making use of it. Alongside this recent development, ETIM International has expressed the need for extra resources for proper governance of this standard, which now is being provided by a number of ETIM Country members.

Who are we looking for?

Ideally, we are looking for a chameleon. Someone who is intelligent and inquisitive enough to work on the crossroads of business, IT and engineering. Besides this, standardisation also requires someone who can excel in many different situations. One moment you are acting as a spokesperson, or chairing committees, but another day you are sifting through a long list of detailed change requests. Ideally we look for someone who enjoys the variety and excels in all these situations.

Why would anybody want this job?

You get to work in an international community of experts from the construction and installation industry. Being self-employed, working from home, has a lot of benefits and allows for a lot of freedom on how to plan your workday. The work is remarkably diverse and has so many aspects and levels. There is never really a dull moment. From time to time, you get to travel to a lot of different countries and meet new people as well as your regular contacts within the ETIM community.

What personality would fit best into our small team?

Anybody with the right attitude would fit in. We are all very open-minded and love to work with all kinds of people from different nationalities and backgrounds. This job requires some self-discipline and the ability to work independently. Right now, the team consists of people who are more seasoned in their career. We would however love to welcome someone who would secure continuity and bring some diversity to our small team. Having said this, we are not sure if we have the luxury of being picky here, so let this not discourage anyone. The only prerequisite we have is that the person lives in a range of 250km from our head office because that is practical for occasional meetings in person. The qualifications, and the enthusiasm of the person are decisive in the end.

Stiamo cercando una persona che non esiste?

Nel caso in cui non si riesca a trovare il "camaleonte", stiamo cercando di dividere il lavoro tra 2 o più persone che possano gestire il lavoro da diverse prospettive. Se siete pronti per un'avventura nel mondo di ETIM, ma avete dei dubbi sulle vostre qualifiche, candidatevi e vedrete dove vi porterà.

Are we looking for a person that does not exist?

In the case of not being able to find the “chameleon”, we are looking to split up the work between 2 or more persons that can handle the job from different perspectives. If you are ready for an adventure in the world of ETIM, but have doubts about your qualifications, please do apply, and see where it takes you.




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