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ETIM International presents a varied program at the second ETIM Forum


During the second week of November all ETIM International Members and Global Industry Members are gathering for the second ETIM Forum. After a very successful first edition in Oslo in 2022, the ETIM community is now set to meet each other again in Palma, Mallorca. A well-balanced diverse program of presentations and discussions has been put together by the ETIM International staff, according to Community Director Jeroen van der Holst.

Efficient three-in-one event

In this year’s setup, a combination of three events will take place over the course of three days. Jeroen van der Holst: “Since we all see the need to limit our travels and all constantly juggle our busy schedules, we decided to combine the meetings of the General Assembly and the overall Technical Committee with the ETIM Forum, which promises to be an inspirational event with a variety of interesting topics and speakers for all attendees.”

The packed three-day programme was put together by the forum organisation team. Jeroen van der Holst reveals: “We are very excited to host Clive Billiald, CEO of buildingSMART. In addition, speakers from within the ETIM community will touch on diverse topics such as environmental data, product data templates according to ISO standards, data pool developments and ETIM Modelling Classes.”

Jeroen van der Holst continues: “Just like last year in Oslo, the forum event will conclude with a look ahead to 2024 and beyond. In the afternoon we will have an interactive session, in which we will pitch new ideas and discuss high-priority topics with the audience with the help of a live polling system. This will help us further determine our course for the ETIM model for the coming years.”

Another great benefit of hosting three events in one week are the ample networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities. Jeroen van der Holst explains: “During the year, most of us only meet online, which limits the social aspect of our interactions considerably. Being able to see each other in person at this event will undoubtedly help build stronger relationships.”




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