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ETIM xChange version 1.0 now available!


As planned, we proudly announce that the inaugural version 1.0 of the ETIM xChange format for product master data exchange has now been officially released and is available for download.

As the first ever product data exchange standard that is fully controlled by ETIM International and its community, with a focus for global use, the JSON based ETIM xChange format sets the stage for a new era of collaboration and digital excellence in product data management.

With this first version as a solid foundation, we will now focus on gradually expanding and perfecting the format. A dedicated subcommittee of the ETIM Technical Committee will be responsible for the further development of the standard, respecting the common ETIM governance processes.

You can find a zip-file with the complete documentation package in our download section, for a direct link click here. Also available for download is a file that offers a mapping of xChange fields to ETIM BMEcat fields as far as possible.




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